128 %s\n\nThis file cannot be installed; it may be in use.\n\nPlease close all other applications, then click Retry.\n\nAlternatively, click Cancel to skip this file and install\nit later. This will require a system restart.
129 This installation requires Administrator rights.\n\nPlease cancel the installation, log on as a user with\nAdministrator rights, then restart the program.
130 There was a problem initializing the folder cache.\n\nThe installation will be cancelled.
131 %s\n\nInvalid database.\n\nThe installation will be cancelled.
132 One or more files could not be removed because they are in use.\n\nThey will be removed when Windows is restarted.
133 %s\n\nThere was a problem saving the installation database.
134 One or more required fields are empty.\n\nPlease re-enter your registration information.
135 %s\n\nThe installation folder should be located on a hard disk or network drive.\n\nPlease select an installation folder on a different disk.
136 %s\n\nThis folder has insufficient disk space available.\n\nPlease select an installation folder on a different disk.
137 The installation of %s is not complete yet.\nCancelling at this point will leave the application unusable.\n\nDo you want to cancel it anyway?
138 Your system has the following characteristics:\n\nSystem version: %s\nInternet Explorer: %s\nDisplay settings: %s\nMemory size: %s\n\n%s has the following minimum requirements:\n\nSystem version: %s\nInternet Explorer: %s\nDisplay settings: %s\nMemory size: %s\n\nThe application cannot be installed on this system.\nPlease contact the application vendor for further information.
139 %s\n\nThere was a problem creating this folder.\n\nThe installation will be cancelled.
140 %s\n\nThere was a problem installing this file.\n\nThe installation will be cancelled.
141 %s\n\nThere was a problem registering this file.\n\nThe installation will be cancelled.
142 This Windows version is not supported
143 %s is currently active.\n\nPlease close this application before continuing.
144 %s detected.\n\nThis application must be uninstalled before continuing.\n\nClick OK to uninstall it now, or click Cancel to cancel the installation process.
145 Waiting for the uninstallation to finish...
146 %s\n\nIncorrect password.\n\nThe installation will be cancelled.